Our volunteers contribute over $150,000 a year in service to St. George Village Botanical Garden, and are an integral part of the Garden’s operation. If you would like to volunteer your services in any of the areas below, please call or email the garden office.
Gift Shop
Gift shop volunteers run the gift shop each day. Hours are flexible and the group is fun!
Tour Guides
Our tour guides inform visitors to the garden about the history of the plantation garden as well as the plant life growing here today. No prior knowledge required!
Work in the nursery and learn about tropical flora and gardening. Propagate, care for, prune, sell – things you would learn to do. You would get a full working knowledge of care of local plants.
Special Events
Special Events volunteers serve on fundraising committees, act as bartenders, arrange flowers for our Garden tea party, solicit donations for auctions, act as Santa Claus at our Christmas festival, and have a lot of fun doing it!
Volunteer Gardner
Help in the Garden under the supervision of one of the senior Gardeners. Plant, prune, clean areas, etc. Get a working knowledge of the plants and how to care for them.